MATRIX is committed to the protection of the health and safety of its employees in the work place and other persons influenced by its business activities.  At MATRIX we operate with an awareness of the environment and a sense of responsibility for guarding it.  We are committed to providing products and services that have no undue environmental impact and are safe in their intended use.  We strive to offer products that can be recycled, reused or disposed of safely.

This understanding has guided and driven a company program of product development, refinement and application focused on protection and sustainability.  This means that before any MATRIX product receives approval for use, we make sure its materials, both singly and as one are completely understood.  Because protecting the earth and its resources is about the future as well as the present we are constantly working on ways to provide our customers extra value and also finding ways to benefit the environment.

Analytical Testing Conducted

Polymer slurry for drilled shafts. Polymer slurry disposal. Drilled shaft installation. Polymer slurry additives. Drilled shaft foundation. Drilled shaft construction. Drilling using polymer slurry. Polymer slurry in caissons. Caltrans approved Poly…